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My completely free Intro to Somatic Course
Where you’re stuck is hidden

on YouTube


  • If you do these movements correctly, they are safe, easy, and enjoyable to do.
    Do not go into any pain, discomfort or strain in the movements.
    It is your responsibility to move safely in these movements.
  • You can begin with recorded video lessons, but your system may cleverly avoid the true intent of the lesson. This  avoidance,  is outside the awareness. The root of the problem is hidden. Moving these places may seem confusing or even impossible.
  • Your system may over-effort in an attempt to do the movements. Do not strain in these movements. Go gently.
  • Private lessons are adapted to fit your specific needs, limitations, and abilities.It may take private sessions for you to learn to be in control of these automatic activations.
    In a private session you can learn how to address your specific interplay of patterns.

Intro to stress tensions 2022
Lesson 1 of 9 in the 2 1/2 hour course

Multi-movement Practice Sequences
from the course


Interested in having the exploration customized
for your specific patterns, situation, and needs?


Ready to go further?



“Omggg Eric! These videos are INnnnnnCredible!!!!
You’re articulation is amazing, and your pace and detail allows me to drop in Super deeply 🙏🙏🙏 They’re more absorbable than any of the other videos! I am ready to get a regimen going for myself again.  Whenever it is I do return to Michigan I’m due for a visit!! 💞💞💞 -E., awareness teacher