Durability, and the issue of lasting change

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Durability, and the issue of lasting change.

Why is it hard to make a lasting change?

The patterns run deep.


The patterns, of how our muscles are held in tension, run deep. Your tension patterns have been practiced for years. Like a needle has been skipping  in the groove of a vinyl record. It has worn a deep groove. How much learning does it take to unlearn that much practice, to change a deep habit?

 It takes a lot. The quality of your practice make a deeper more effective change.
The practice is self-maintenance.Cats pandiculate about 40 times a day. They have to practice every day.
Human nervous systems learn better than a cat. It takes practice to stay out of the grip of the automatic tension. 

image of Sisyphus

Stressful days and days with fatigue require more practice.
As you learn more, and become more creative in your personal practice, you will be able to guide yourself through an efficient, quick lowering of the tension baseline.