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Arm, Elbow, Wrist and Hand Testimonials

“I wanted you to know I am still experiencing relief between the shoulder and elbow.  Thank you so much for that.”
-N., Grandmother

Chronic pain in both hands.

Writing three days after the first session: “Letting you know I can feel a 50% improvement in my hands, fingers!  Yea. Thanks, and looking forward to next appt.” -P., Energy Healer

Ceramics Teacher with Carpal Tunnel Wrist Pain

A week after our session, she sent me the video clip shown here:

Four days after our session, she also wrote this review on my Facebook page:
 “I awoke with severe carpal tunnel pain in my left wrist. I found absolutely no relief throughout the day from the weakness and really intense pain.
Then I had the opportunity to have a session with Eric Cooper of Inspire Somatics! Because of Eric’s deep understanding of how the human body works and his compassionate and skillful sharing of that information I am pain free!  
Since that session I have spent hours and hours and hours in my studio, completing five teapots and several mugs! This would not have been possible without Eric’s caring and capable teaching. The movements are easy and enjoyable and helped me understand my body in a different way.
I am so grateful to have found this beautiful place for healing and to know that this modality is available to help myself and others! Thank you, Eric! I really intended to post this earlier but I’ve been so busy using the hand that had been useless! I just couldn’t drag myself out of the studio!! Thank you, Eric!” -H., potter