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Parkinson’s Disease

The bad news:

Unforunately, the tensions resulting from Parkinson’s Disease,
the stiffness expressions, are not very teachable.

“I’ve been suffering from a form of Parkinson’s disease for a few years,
and your exercises really help in relieving stiffness, and to some extent returning some control.
Some time spent doing your exercises, gives me a mental lift as well.
Thank you.

The good news:

The tension on top of the Parkinson’s, the additional tension burden,
is changeable.

This practice offers you a way to create some significant relief.

Please contact me to discuss the possibilities of this method helping you.


If you have questions about your specific situation.

“When I got up this morning I was totally in the grip of Parkinson’s every muscle stiff and blocked,
and mentally blocked and very low, to the point of tears.
I went through your standing sequence, several times then your sit up
(Elbows to the Sky),
then the sagging plank, then sat in the garden doing low ab breathing,
Do I feel great ? No, but much much better, and my fight is back, Thank you Eric.”