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What this is not:

You didn’t start out feeling “old” and broken down.
It’s because of something your system forgot along the way.


    • This is not massage therapy.  I am a licensed Massage Therapist.  I now know hard pressing on sore muscles is not a solution for why they are sore and tight. Let’s instead change why your muscles are sore. Your brain has forgotten how to relax them.  It is in a tension loop. I spent over 3 years learning very specialized medical massage, fascia release techniques, and osteo-articular manipulation, hoping they would be a solution to my own 30+ year pain problem.  Ultimately, they only gave me a brief relief. The tension and pain would come back soon after massage. Your nervous system is running the tension problem. Somatics addresses the root of the problem.

    • This is not stretching. Stretching doesn’t help your system learn to lower the persistent contraction. The brain learns very little from a stretch.  Stretching creates a recoil effect. Pandiculation is the best way to change muscle length and tension. Regain control of the contraction signal.  (Many of my clients come to me with stretching injuries. I have seen many injured yoga practitioners.)

    • This is not strengthening. Although improved strength is a common byproduct of this process. This is not “Physical Therapy”. It’s getting the brain and the body connected where they meet.  If you have powerful patterns of involuntary tension in your body, and you are practicing strengthening, you are likely strengthening what is causing your pain.

    • This is not painful. The process is gentle, easy, and enjoyable. We’ll work together to keep the process pain free. If the it’s painful (i.e. deep tissue massage and chiro), it’s probably doing damage.

    • This is not sudden.  This is not a quick popping of bones into new positions. I am NOT a chiropractor. After the quick stretch of chiropractic, the nervous system soon goes back to the tension equilibium it likes to run. The bones return to the places that the deep holding patterns prefer them. The tension patterns are learned. There is no learning from a quick stretch.  A better way is to teach your system out of how it runs your tension problem.

This method, Inspired Somatic Education,
can help improve problems
that other practitioners cannot change.

