We’re on the hunt for something subtle.
We’re on the hunt for something subtle. A place that is hard to find. A place that’s hard to feel. There is a time for effort on this path. I caution you, in this moment, effort muddies the water. Effort is a false lure. It won’t help you find what you are looking for.
You might know it when you get there, because it won’t behave like the other places. It’s a small place. It is one string on the harp. It’s surrounded by strings that seem to work just fine. This place seems distant, unwilling to be in your command. It is as if it is hiding. A piece of yourself that you misplaced, a part that was thought to be lost.
The faintest echo of the loss is echoing as silence. Look into where you can’t feel. Look into the void. Where is it hard to feel?
Upon reconnection, it is like finding a lost possession you had searched for. Everywhere in the house was searched and it was still not found. Then, in the softness of your inward seeking, using what you learned with me, it is there.
It is different than you remembered it. Know that it will work out. But, when you begin to reconnect to a place that you left back in the storm, that place has been through it. The storm just stopped for that place. You had left it behind. It has been trying to do the best it could in the storm that has raged since the place was forgotten. When you can be with that place, in reunion, that place feels that way it does, in the moment. It is just sensation.
Welcome that place back. That place that was hard to feel, to find. That place is you. It is part of you. It has always been there, but you forgot. Now that you remember, you are more complete.
-Eric Cooper