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If your sides are different,
if you have scoliosis,
if you have asymmetrical pain,

This Is The Way.


For Scoliosis, from Subtle to Severe

movement to teach your specific bend and scoliosis

Your nervous system holds you in asymmetrical tensions.

Scoliosis and asymmetrical tensions impact your posture, comfort, and movement, ranging from mild to severe. These tensions are not just structural; they are functional patterns deeply ingrained in your nervous system. My approach addresses this at its root, offering a path to lasting relief.

Why This Method Is Unique

    • Targets the Nervous System: Traditional approaches often overlook that your nervous system actively runs tension patterns. This method focuses on teaching the nervous system to release these persistent holding patterns.
    • Customized to Your Specific Pattern: Scoliosis is not one-size-fits-all. I’ve developed specialized movements for various scoliosis patterns, tailored to your unique needs.
    • Beyond Stretching – It’s Pandiculation: A neuromuscular re-education technique that resets the brain-body connection, helping you regain control over involuntary tensions.
    • Restores Lost Breathing Spaces: By reopening these spaces, you restore comfort and ease in movement.
    • Developed from Personal Experience: My journey with scoliosis led me to refine traditional somatic methods and create new scoliosis-specific movements.

What Makes It Effective?

      • Functional Focus: The functional patterns of tension driving your asymmetry are directly addressed, improving comfort and mobility.
      • Addresses the Intentional Patterns: This approach teaches your nervous system to release adaptive, protective patterns.
      • Clear, Specific Movements: Learn precise movements that target your exact tension patterns.
      • Safe and Enjoyable: Movements are pleasurable and foster a deeper mind-body connection.

address s curve scoliosis with the Inner-X

A Transformative Journey

Your scoliosis, with its unique bends and twists, reflects a spectrum of tension patterns actively maintained by your nervous system. This method offers more than temporary relief; it’s a way to retrain your body’s habitual responses, unlocking ease and balance.

My own experience with scoliosis and my extensive work with clients have revealed the elegant, adaptive nature of the nervous system. This method acknowledges that your body is always doing its best to adapt and survive. We work together to teach it new, healthier patterns.

Testimonials Reflecting Success

“I feel quite symmetrical. I feel the pleasure of symmetry!”

“There is definitely a change. The twist is gone.”

“I felt SO great after today’s session… I felt so limber, open, present, and aware. It was just an awesome experience!”

“With your exercises, I feel the immediate relief and change in my body.”

“My right leg is fully alive again, and I can’t believe I’m doing walks with the dog again without pain in the lower back.”

“I believe this could be the massive key in the whole pattern of my body.”

“I have a renewed sense of hope and joy at the thought of being able to move freely and without pain one day. The work you are doing is a great gift to the world, and I am extremely grateful to have found you.”

“There are no words…so I will keep this short, but I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart – which felt seen and heard and understood yesterday.”

“I have been doing some of the movements, and they have made a huge difference.”

“I’m floored by how fast the changes are happening. Like maybe, I can plant a garden this year. Every day, it becomes easier to believe I can get out of this.”

“Somewhat miraculously, most of my hip pain is gone, as well as much of my sciatica. I’m sleeping fine now.”– W., Navy Seal with a 20-year pain problem, after one Zoom session

Ready to Address Your Scoliosis?

If you’re looking to transform your experience with scoliosis, I offer personalized sessions, both in-person and on Zoom. Together, we’ll explore your specific patterns and guide your nervous system toward a more balanced and comfortable state.

Let’s embark on a tailored journey to help you feel more at peace and ease in your body.