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Somatics and Parkinson’s:
Easing the Tension Burden

The Challenge

Unfortunately, Parkinson’s Disease brings with it a unique expression of stiffness and muscular rigidity. These tension patterns are not always responsive to typical movement-based methods. While this can be discouraging, there is a silver lining.

The Opportunity

Alongside Parkinson’s-specific stiffness, there are other tension patterns—non-Parkinson’s patterns—within your body. These are more adaptable and can be reduced significantly with the Eric Cooper Somatics Method. By learning to turn down these teachable tensions, you can begin to move with greater ease and less resistance.

“I’ve been suffering from a form of Parkinson’s disease for a few years, and your exercises really help in relieving stiffness and, to some extent, returning some control. Spending time doing these movements gives me a mental lift as well. Thank you.”
– D.

A Method to Lighten the Load

Reducing non-disease-related tensions can provide a welcome sense of control and ease your overall tension burden. While Somatics doesn’t erase the deeper symptoms of Parkinson’s, it can improve your quality of life by bringing more flexibility and comfort into your body.

The practice is gentle, customized, and designed to work around your unique needs. By targeting these secondary patterns, you may find more freedom of movement and a renewed sense of energy.

“When I got up this morning, I was totally in the grip of Parkinson’s—every muscle stiff and blocked, mentally drained, and very low, to the point of tears. I went through your standing sequence several times, followed by ‘Elbows to the Sky,’ and then the sagging plank. I sat in the garden afterward, doing low abdominal breathing. Do I feel great? No, but much, much better, and my fight is back. Thank you, Eric.”

Please feel free to reach out to me to discuss whether this method could be a fit for your situation. While the journey may be challenging, I’m here to help you explore the possibilities and find a way to ease the tension burden.


If you have questions about your specific situation.