Testimonials and other notes about
Grief, sadness, depression
and hunched posture

The tension habit of
the closed upper-front
is depression.
There is no expression of depression without
the hidden tension of the upper front.
The same pattern runs in the background of grief, sadness and worry.
Your tension control auto-pilot is running it.
Teach your brain out of the closed front holding pattern.
“Through my somatics practice I am able to experience my being more thoroughly.
I released the tensions of my deepest sorrows.
I have experienced deep sadness in my life and I was resolved to having a veil of depression hang over me forever.
In one short session of work with Eric I learned how to isolate and let go of what was tight!
For the first time in 15 years it was gone. Wow!”
-R., Children’s Librarian
Depression is dangerous.
Depression creates a distortion of thoughts that seem true and believable.
Yes, psychotherapy can be helpful.
But a person can do years of psychotherapy and still keep falling into depression.
If your system is running the tension patterns of worry and sadness,
you will be stuck in worry and sadness.
From my heart I say to you:
I know how hopeless a person can feel.
This is the easiest, most direct way to change
the root of depression.
Teach your brain to turn down the tension pattern. Your brain runs it.
Teach your system out of the loop.
More on the
Posture of Depression.
Introduction to my
Stop Being Depressed movement playlist
on YouTube
You can do this.
After four sessions:
“This has made more difference than anything else I have done in terms of the worst of the depression. I’m laughing again!” -C., Teacher
” I feel like a butterfly that just came out of it’s cocoon. I am noticing that each time I catch myself in an old habit it’s recognizable and I take a moment to close and open again. It’s amazingly simple, and I can already feel it working! Thank you.”
-T., Life Coach
The day after her first private video session:
“Last night I felt cheerful & empowered. I felt more stable in myself & a huge decrease in feelings of instability, anxiety or panic. Since our session I haven’t worried about anything on my daily worry list.” -I., Engineer
Client who came to me specifically for the issue of depression and sadness:
After the first Zoom session:
What has changed?
“Soon after the lesson I felt very Zen peaceful and relaxed. No pain or sadness. After dinner I felt a little sadness that dissipated after I did some of the movements. I was less negative at awakening.”
After the second Zoom session:
“Soon after the less I felt very happy, almost tipsy 🙂 and my body was very relaxed.”
After the third Zoom session:
“Less muscle and joint pain. More awareness. Less depression.
I am so grateful to be guided by you.”
-A., Artist
After the first in-person session:
“Everyone talks about having some emotional heart center. I have no idea what they are talking about. Zero.
The most interesting thing I noticed was that briefly, after the session, I felt like I had a heart.”
-G., Auto Safety Engineer
“In the 7 months that I’ve been doing somatics I’ve learned so much and I would go as far as to say I don’t have an anxiety disorder anymore and I don’t really suffer from irrational depression, if that makes sense? It’s been life changing stuff, I’ve tried to adopt the attitude of enjoying the journey of getting better so I’m equipped for life with the knowledge on what to do so I can maintain homeostasis, however when I first started somatics all I was doing was trying to rush to the end goal of being pain free.
Before somatics I had done around 10 years of non stop physical therapy and it achieved absolutely nothing.”
-T., Mechanic
After sessions the focussed on the posture of depression:
“I have been doing the movements. Thanks to you, I have been awakened to how often I slip into those harsh positions and I’m so grateful to know how to get out of it. Thanks, so much, Eric. You have enriched my life and helped me to find ways to improve my posture and through that, my frame of mind. It really does work.“ -H., Mail-order Shipping Clerk
One week after a Posture of Depression focused session.
“After attending a session with Eric about the postures of depression and how to get unstuck, I gained an incredible tool. A lot of feelings I had previously been suppressing out of fear and not knowing how to interact with it, shifted for the better.
Eric has helped me release unspeakable amounts of pain from my right shoulder. Once majority of the pain was no longer present, what was left was a lot of voidness of feeling that was contributing to depression. During the session, Eric helped me transition those feelings. I can’t express the gratitude I feel to no longer have this void with me. I feel so much better and more alive. Because the feelings of voidness were in essence non-moving or depressed, I never thought going slow would be the solution. I avoided moving slow like the plague because I was afraid of the slow feelings dipping into the void. Eric not only helped me feel into the void but also helped me transition these feelings back to a slow, peaceful rhythm of life.
As usual, after attending a session with Eric, I felt very peaceful and there was certainly an afterglow. Once I got back home I took a nap and during the nap, I had a dream that mirrored a traumatic memory from my past that I never allowed myself to feel into. I woke up sobbing and afterwards, I felt even more at peace and light to finally be able to let these feelings go. This was not a coincidence. From learning how to move more slowly, I am more patient with not only my feelings but in my thoughts as well and this has helped me tremendously already with both depression and anxiety!
I am so blessed to receive treatment from Eric Cooper. I cannot recommend him enough! His techniques are incredibly evolved and are successful!” -C. Printed with permission.
Feedback from a client going through a difficult divorce (after the second session)
“I feel incredibly humble and grateful. This is an answer to prayer that I have longed for for years, a new relationship with my nervous system. I feel more embodied and connected and grounded, and it is very pleasurable, I look forward to the time on the floor or the bed to sink in [to the movement practice]. I’m doing more and more of these to re-calibrate a new standard for myself. I keep hearing you say, “I am in control!” It feels empowering, practical, easy, and helpful.”-D. Client approved of sharing this.
Eric Cooper’s reply: Yes! You have the power, when you take it, to rule over your stress. You are learning how to take it back. The mission is to find all the places you lost along the way. There is so much to discover! Teach yourself to know a deep tension neutral. That way, you can see the barely visible signs that the autopilot is driving things. Pandiculate as much as it takes. Find pleasure in every one of these liberating movements. Self care, as needed. That’s the only way your mission can succeed.
A client review (She came for a series of 4 sessions):
“Definitely 100% recommended!!!! Eric is very compassionate and genuinely interested in the well being of the patient, and keeps in touch to check how his patients are feeling after the session. He is very inspiring, and an example of selfless giving and enlightenment that we all wish/hope to attain in life.
His holistic approach to life and health is very healing. I now constantly check my awareness and how feelings impact my overall posture, to activate my self-healing.
He is the most caring provider, that empowers patients to take change of their well-being, instead of taking that power away from them. I wish all healthcare services were that humane, including the whole system, and genuinely interested in humans’ well-being.
I feel at least 10 years younger after his sessions, all because of my posture and awareness of the unconscious baggage I was accepting. My back pain (that I had for the past 16+ years) was gone after his first session, I walked-in in pain, and walked-out of a session with him with a happy spring in my step. Thank you so much! Namaste!” -O. Refugee Aid Worker, Medical translator
“Thank you for the lovely session yesterday.
I just wanted to let you know that I am noticing lots of improvements:
- Lots of moments where I have found myself using better posture, both sitting and standing
- More positive attitude when I woke up this morning.
- More refreshed than usual despite inadequate sleep.
- Less anxiety.
And I seem to be just more constantly aware of my body.”-K., Educator