Get Out of Depression
Movement Playlist
on YouTube
Change the course of your ship.
- If you do these movements correctly, they are safe, easy, and enjoyable to do.
Do not go into any pain, discomfort or strain in the movements.
It is your responsibility to move safely in these movements.
- You can begin with recorded video lessons, but your system may cleverly avoid the true intent of the lesson. This avoidance, is outside the awareness. The root of the problem is hidden. Moving these places may seem confusing or even impossible.
- Your system may over-effort in an attempt to do the movements. Do not strain in these movements. Go gently.
- Private lessons are adapted to fit your specific needs, limitations, and abilities.It may take private sessions for you to learn to be in control of these automatic activations.
In a private session you can learn how to address your specific interplay of patterns.
STOP BEING DEPRESSED Somatics Playlist. How I Freed Myself from 39 Years of Chronic Depression.
THE MUST KNOW: Elbows to the Sky, Somatics for Stress, Worry, and Depression
WORRY...Off, FEAR...Off, SADNESS...Off | Elbows to the Sky Somatics sequence with explanation
OPEN your torso, AWAKEN your Twist, FREE your breathing | Sunrise, Sunset + X of the Front Somatics
The Two Axis Rocking Chair, A Must Know Somatic Exercise - Hunched Posture & Scoliosis
Unfreeze, FEAR and ANXIETY Practice SEQUENCE | Arch & Curl, Elbows to the Sky, Four Leaf Clover.
Come out of FEAR. WORRY, SADNESS and DEPRESSION. A deep Somatic lesson. The Four Leaf Clover
Relax Open the Front, and the sides of the front, a front breathing exploration.
The Bow, a NEW somatic movement to teach your brain to let you out of hunched posture.
The Rocking Chair - FOCUSED change for depressed, HUNCHED, sunken chest POSTURES.
Pandiculate EMOTION | Get unstuck from the echo of emotion, Somatics for a More Relaxed, Joyful Life
Elbows to the Sky Practice Sequence. Get out of the tension of worry, sadness, and depression.
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