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Eric Cooper

(734) 436-1041


Or fill out the contact form below:

So I know what time zone you are in.
Please double check that it is correct. It is very annoying to send a detailed reply to an incorrect email address.
On occasion, my reply ends up in a spam folder. I need your number so I can contact you (by text if possible) if it seems you did not get my reply.
How long have you had it? Perceived cause of onset? Note: This is my contact form, not my intake form.
Which of my videos/movements helped? Which of my movements have been difficult or confusing? Where are you stuck?
I'll try my best to answer it.
Check all that apply.
Check all that apply.
I try to reply within 24 hours. Please check your spam folder over the next few days if you don't see my reply.

A copy of the sent form will be emailed to you.

To my Client Intake Form page
to explain the details of your current situation.

The email confirming session scheduling also has the intake form links.


“Just got done pandiculating. 4th time in two days. So so thankful. This is the medicine. If the entire globe stopped what they were doing, laid down, and did this practice at the same time, the solution we are all seeking for, the calmness and balance of the earth and our bodies, would effortlessly arise.”