We’re on the hunt for something subtle, for a place that is hard to feel.

We’re on the hunt for something subtle.   We’re on the hunt for something subtle. A place that is hard to find. A place that’s hard to feel. There is a time for effort on this path. I caution you, in this moment, effort muddies the water. Effort is a false lure. It won’t help […]

Shields up! Sheilds Down! The Red Light Reflex pattern of withdrawal.

 Is the outside world controlling you? Or, are you controlling you? The Red-Light Reflex is the activation of the pattern of withdrawal, grief, fear and apprehension. It is the somatic reflexive contraction of the front that makes us hard to the world, who’s in control of it? We loose control of the “red-light” patterns […]

The Neuromuscular Feedback Techniques of Clinical Somatic Education

The Neuromuscular Feedback Techniques of Clinical Somatic Education By Eric Cooper, CCSE Many clients have difficulty understanding themselves spatially, in their somatic experience of internal space. Because of the effects of sensory-motor amnesia, they have a distorted somatic perception, a distorted self-perception, that has gaps, voids and distortions. The Clinical Somatic Education, CSE, technique of […]

The Recipe for Sciatic Pain

Recipe for Sciatic Pain 2016 1) Take tight back, with a tendency to twist to one side. 2) Add muscular contraction causing a shift to one side. Baste in stress. Intense enough to bring some unconscious muscle tension. I have been studying the original teachings of Thomas Hanna, over and over. He explains a viable […]