How slow is slow? Moving slowly is an essential tool to teach your nervous system a deeper control in movement. Slow is part of the process. Slow disarms the nervous system. It takes us out of our of habituated patterns. It makes the experience new. Slow allows full cortical control of movement. This is helpful […]
The Adjustable Threshold of Sensory Awareness
The Adjustable Threshold of Sensory Awareness Your muscle tension is like a rockstar who can’t hear his playing in his monitor. There is a part of your brain that actively adjusts the loudness of the tension sensation from themuscles back to your brain. Unfortunately, you’re brain isn’t hearing much of it. Your muscles are ‘on’ so […]
What does it take to live your dream?
What does it take to live your dream? <span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> 5m:24s What is your dream? Are you living your dream? If not, why not? What does it take to live it? We grow from our difficulties and challenges. That is how you grow into living […]
Stress, Injury, Learning, & Pain
Stress, Injury, Learning, & Pain <span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> Your nervous system controls all of the muscle tension. The patterns of your soreness and pain are learned. You get trapped in the learned, practiced, reaction patterns. It’s a loss of control. This is how take back control. -Eric […]
You are not your stress response
You are not your stress response. It’s easy to think: “That’s me, I’m a very stressed person.” -or- “I’m an angry person” -or- I’m a sad person. -or- I’m under pressure. -or- I’m feeling impatient.” What you are observing is your stress response. Your brain is good at responding to stress. Stress responses are […]
The full range of self-healing.
The full range of self-healing. Client writes: “The new somatics work is just lovely, thank you! So different! The headaches have stopped. I am transitioning into “this is not stretching”, having been an athlete as a child with movement tendencies from that time which have persisted into adulthood…I am slowly rewiring. This has helped […]
Elegant, easy walking
What does it take to have an elegant, easy walk? Walking is our primary method of locomotion. We are designed to balance our walking in a very special way, using rotation. When we use the easy rotational ability of our torsos, we have fluid, graceful, ease in our stride. As we adapt to the […]
Are bicycle racing and depression connected?
Is there a connection between bicycle racing and depression? Think about it. There is a posture of depression, a closing of the front, a rounding of the shoulders, a smallness. It is a similar pattern to the fear response, the freeze response, the startle response. The nervous system closes the body in an act […]
Blessings to you on this time of thanksgiving.
Blessings to you at this time of thanksgiving. Have you noticed how stress and insults of life seem to correlate to the physical pain? It is a very important connection. The nervous system learns your stress response and injury reaction. Life gives it plenty of practice. The system learns the response so well, that it can […]
Finding what you lost.
Finding what you lost There’s something missing. There is trouble. You hurt and you feel stiff. Your system does not work well if you are not whole. Its easy to blame it on age. It’s not because of age. It’s what you learned from the stress, and the hurts, and the insults of life. […]