What does it take to live your dream?
What is your dream?
Are you living your dream?
If not, why not?
What does it take to live it?
We grow from our difficulties and challenges.
That is how you grow into living your dream.
Your dream is what you wish to become?
What is your deepest passion?
Are you living from that place?
Is that place growing?
How do we become what we want to be?
What are the obstacles to living your dream?
The obstacles are how we grow.
What is the difficulty?
The difficulty is the gift, the potential for breakthrough.
Walk toward your fears.
Your fears are holding you back.
If you really want it, if you want to live your dream, it takes walking toward your fears.
What is your passion? What are you not doing, that if you were doing it you’d be living your passion?
Set a 3 month goal. Work for it. You want it. This is your true desire.
You want it so much that you are willing to walk toward your fears.
What can you become?
We are on the adventure together!
What is your obstacle?
What is your desire?
What is your goal?
What is your passion?
-Eric Cooper, InspireSomatics.com